Change an invalid quote to a valid quote

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Know what you need? Let's start your quote.

Let's begin...

If your quote is showing as invalid, some amendments will need to be made in order to send the quote to order as valid.

Step two...

Click into your quote to display the quote in full, the status will show as invalid.

If the issue is not clear, click ‘Calculate’.

Under the errors column it should then display the error causing the quote to be invalid, such as no quantity.

Click into the Qty column text box showing 0 and enter the required quantity.

Then click ‘Calculate’ again

The quotation will then appear in full, click ‘Calculate’ and the status will show as valid.


Should the issue not be quantity, in the notes column there should be a warning message advising of details on the parts causing the issue. Should this occur, please contact a member of the team for assistance.

Nearly there...

Another reason for an invalid quote could be that 2 files have the same name.

Edit the line item, change the file name and then click ‘Calculate’. The quotation should have now updated and show as valid under status.

All done!

Ready to order?

Time to create your first quote!